The course specializes in studying the design, development, and support of computer-based information systems and their applications, where computers and software applications are used to convert, store, protect, process, and send information in addition to secure retrieval. Those who study information technology specialization are called computer specialists or information technology specialists. The course contributes to providing the participants with great skills in managing information security, and great skills in web design, increases their experience in protecting the information infrastructure, and enables the participants to have complete control over the information in terms of determining who will receive the data.
Course Objectives
- Gain advanced skills for those involved in the field of library management
- Comprehensive knowledge of the work of cataloging and classifying books and others
- Focusing on how to benefit from advanced information technology in the field of libraries.
- Provide participants with great experience in the field of data monitoring through applications that enable knowledge of the movement of data entering and exiting.
- Introduce participants to physical protection methods, as there are many simple methods that must be followed in order to maintain information security.
Course Outlines
Day 1
- Determine the needs and know the objectives of the libraries:
- Provisioning
- Indexing
- Category
- Patrols
- Preservation and storage
- Replays
Day 2
- Fields of information and communication technology used in libraries
- Reproduction and filmmakers.
- Storage and retrieval.
- Communication technology.
Day 3
- Modern means of communication and their role in serving libraries.
- Electronic publishing and its impact on libraries.
- The future of the printed book in the light of modern communications.
- Developing supervisory skills in the library.
Day 4
- Interviewing and dealing with the public.
- A practical case on the use of information technology in the organization and management of libraries.
- The necessary steps to maintain the skills gained from the program.
- Internet risks to information security.
Day 5
- Risk of disclosure of confidential information.
- Preparing the implementation plan necessary to transfer the acquired skills into practical application.
- Practical and applied cases and workshops
Credits: 5 credit per day
Course Mode: full-time
Provider: Blackbird Training Centre