The complete program in food safety: meat & poultry processing

The complete program in food safety: meat & poultry processing CourseBlackbird Training Centre


Meat Processing emphasizes the principles for use of meat and poultry as the main center of the plate item and as ingredients in other food products. Food safety, ingredient technology, processing technology, culinary technology, meat/poultry inspection regulations, and food labeling are introduced in this class. Independent hands-on activities are an intricate part of this course to provide learning for the participants and a unique introduction to meat and poultry processing and related food animal species.


Course Objectives

  • Summarize the principles of meat and poultry processing.
  • List and explain the factors that influence the growth of bacteria in their food
  • Meat and poultry products.
  • Explain the role of smoking and packaging techniques in meat and poultry production.
  • Explain the role of processing and emulsification techniques in meat and poultry production.
  • Comparison between conventional poultry processing and farm-raised poultry/birds with free pasture.
  • The application and practices of food safety to produce food products that are safe and attractive to consumers.
  • Comparison of natural, organic, and conventionally produced poultry.


Course Outlines

Day 1
What is Meat Processing?

  • Introduction to the food safety, meat and poultry processing
  • Become familiar with all material
  • Meat Processing Questionnaire
  • Introduction to Meat Processing
  • Importance of Food Labels

Day 2
Food Safety and Preservation

  • Food Safety and Preservation: Farm to Table
  • Safe Handling Information
  • Food Safety and Preservation: Intrinsic Factors
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors


Day 3
Meat and Poultry Chemistry

  • Factors that Affect Meat and Poultry Protein Functional
  • Properties
  • Reading the Label: Nonmeat Ingredients that Affect Water
  • holding Capacity
  • Marination Process for Meat and Poultry Products
  • The effects of Species and storage on Muscle color

Day 4

  • Curing Technology for Meat and Poultry Products
  • Emulsion Technology
  • Factors to consider for the development of a formulation/recipe for meat and poultry products
  • Culinology in Meat and Poultry Processing

Day 5
Poultry Processing

  • Conventional Poultry Processing
  • On-Farm Poultry Processing
  • Ideal Product for Me: Brainstorming

Credits: 5 credit per day

Course Mode: full-time

Provider: Blackbird Training Centre

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